It’s Sunday, June 16th, 2013.
(Happy Father’s Day, by the way!)
And it’s 2:49 PM.
I’m currently sitting here on my couch, biting my nails. My mouth is watering, my eyes are darting back and forth, my mind is wandering all over the place, and those little mental ‘tingles’ (itchiness, sensations, anything resembling a minor distraction sensory-wise) is all over my system. Suddenly, all of your senses enhance ten-fold.
What is this that I feel? And why do I feel this way?
This is one of those moments when nothing of note is happening—nada, zip, zilch. You’re alone in your little abyss, just waiting to fill that very void, just itching to distract yourself in some way. Anything will do.
And they call it the imp. That little devil on your shoulder, that monkey on your back. He sends all the signals to your system, frequently and relentlessly harassing you. So how should we soothe it like we quiet a crying baby?
Well, some people would smoke a cigarette.
Do drugs.
Drink alcohol.
Commit a crime.
Fiercely masturbate.
As for me? This is precisely the moment when I would get up and eat something.
Or at least I used to.
When I was growing up, I would just eat and eat constantly. Anything I can get my hands on. And then I would watch television or surf on the Internet. Or play video games when the occasion was right. I wasn’t active. I was always hungry. All of this translates into a recipe for obesity.
As time went on, this became a full-blown addiction that I’ve suffered from for many years. When a void set in, when my mind didn’t know what to do next—I reacted almost involuntarily with the answer that I got from my inner demon: I got up and reached for food. And nothing could stop me since I didn’t know how to fill that inner void in a constructive manner. I didn’t know how to say ‘no’ to the imp, that monkey or whatever it may be. I didn’t have an answer for that imp, so he habitually created an answer for me. He made my choices when I didn’t.
When you fill that void with anything (primarily with drugs, food, and sex) then it becomes a habit. The devil enables it and precisely says, “Here’s my answer: fill that inner void with bad habits.” And so many of us do. After all, we are human beings and not so many of us have firm grips of our consciousness. We act out of our impulses (notice how we spell ‘impulse’ with the word ‘imp’ in it? Ah-ha!).
I won’t lie: my impulse crippled me for years and it ultimately led to obesity for years and years (eventually ballooning as heavy as 484 lbs.) until I did something about it.
However, I made a solution against this demon through experience and it’s this: refrain from being idle and never allow your inner demon to direct you. That imp will have an answer for you precisely when you’re idle.
It’s simple but it’s hard. Very hard. In fact, I struggle with it every day but I manage to take it 1 day at a time.
I try to stay very busy and do constructive things like writing this very blog post. All human beings are destined for labor, not idleness. Or else. That’s why there’s crime, masturbation, obesity, and drugs.
Sitting in classrooms or cubicles for 8 hours straight, watching television, surfing the internet, playing video games and the likes promotes idleness. Do actual labor instead.
At the very end of this blog post, the demon is silent.
I told it to fuck off. And he did.
And then I got busy.
Therefore, a very important skill that I've learned in my 20's: always be on a mission.
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